Saturday, January 2, 2010

Marriage Congratulation Words How's This For A Toast?

How's this for a toast? - marriage congratulation words

I am the man at the wedding of my friends and I just want an overview of my toast. Be as critical as much or little as you want, and I also want to be noticed it must be.

Everyone, if you could be your attention please, I wish tonight I had a few words ... My name is Andreas, a friend of the husband of 12 years and also had the honor of being the best man for the ceremony. I would first like to thank Diane for the erection of this beautiful evening, and Katie, see you tonight, absolutely amazing! I have some good advice for the bride and groom, I will make this short and simple ...

The key to a long and happy marriage is simple. The four most important words we can say that your marriage is solid, you're probably right! "

Well, if you all with me in raising a glass to the newlyweds, Katie and Jordan. May the joy of today starting a life together great happiness and contentment. Congratulations.

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