Monday, January 18, 2010

Thought It Was A Prolapsed Womb Blog What Is A Prolapsed Womb Mean Mother In Law Thinks She Has It?

What is a prolapsed womb mean mother in law thinks she has it? - thought it was a prolapsed womb blog

Uterine prolapse - a condition in which the uterus drops from its normal position in the vagina. The degree of incident occurrence ranges from 1 degree to which there is a slight shift of the uterus in the 3rd Degree prolapse (prolapse), in which the uterus is visible outside the vulva. The incident is exacerbated by obesity. The diagnosis is made by physical examination. Pelvic floor exercises strengthen the vaginal muscles and reduces the risk of the incident, particularly after childbirth.


ljb said...

Prolapse "Matrix" - called uterine prolapse - occurs when the uterus from its normal position falls in the basin and rises into the vagina. In severe cases, the uterus can actually extends completely outside the vagina. It is surprisingly common - or at least it's surprising how rare it is not. Women may be predisposed to prolapse of the uterus several children, who are after a prolonged or difficult labor, obesity, some factors that may contribute to the (higher) risk. Surgery is usually necessary, the accuracy and / or avoid getting worse.

The typical symptom of a uterine prolapse is a feeling of fullness or pressure - literally a feeling that something is down, that you will (and, yes, it would be a correct interpretation), in severe cases. You can back pain and pain when urinating. For sexually active, sexual activity of any kind of penetration will be painful. It may be difficult or uncomfortable to go.

The diagnosis of prolapse of the uterus is notdifficult - at only a physical examination. If your mother is not at all concerned should their obstetrician-gynecologist to see. Whether an incident or something else if you have symptoms, it could lead to the assumption that he could a prolapsed uterus, which have to do something clearly and see your obstetrician-gynecologist, period.

I hope that helps.

Philip P said...

Prolapse of the uterus, where it dissolved within because of the weakness of the cervix may open and can connect to the channel. This is the worst.
Usually the muscular wall of the vagina is broken and we can not support the uterus, then falls upon itself makes it difficult to sex. the impact of the uterus on the bladder, causing incontinence.
Simple exercise can restore some strength in the muscles (pelvic floor) is sometimes required surgery followed by physiotherapy.
Approach is radical hysterectomy.
First, you need comfort and understanding how it can be very painful. Second, they calm. Third, be proud that they come to you to discuss the issue. If it does not contribute to a doctor, the doctor must help to relieve symptoms

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