Thursday, February 11, 2010

Colossal Synchron Rate My Synchron/Warrior Deck...^_^?

Rate my Synchron/Warrior Deck...^_^? - colossal synchron

Please rate my deck. What I want to add and delete?

Synchro Monsters +
1 Road Warrior
1 X-Saber Urbellum
1 Junk Warrior
1 Nitro Warrior
1 Power Tool Dragon
1 Colossal Fighter

Monster + +
1 Road Synchronous
1 captain marauder
1 X-Saber Airbellum
1 X-Saber Galahad
1 Cyber-Tech Alligator
1 Sabersaurus
1 Sonic Chick
1 Sasuke Samurai
1 Goblin Attack Force
1 X-Saber Anu Piranha
1 The dragon dwelling in the cave
1 of the Koala
1 Know Beetle
1 Quillbolt Hedgehog
1 Skelengel
1 Speed Warrior
Junk Synchron 2
1 Mystic Tomato
1 Nitro Synchron

+ + Spell Cards
1 Twister
1 Giant Trunade
1 DE-Synchro
1 The return of Guerrero Alive
1 UnstableDevelopment and
2 Synchro Boost
Synchro Blast Wave 1
1 Sword of Light of Revelation
Reduce 1
1 Double Summon

Trap Cards + +
1 Dust Tornado
1 Sakuretsu Love
Emergency call 1 Gottoms "
1 Magic Drain
1 Limit Reverse
Raigeki Break 1
Scrap-Iron Scarecrow 2
Threatening Roar 1
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Gravity Bind

What cards do you think are a good choice for adding and removing the cover?


Grenade5... said...

I love this bridge.
He is quick on his synchro monsters created.
19 Monster
22 Spell or Trap Cards
Good job for a total of 41 letters.
They have only 3 cards namely X and 1 x to know Synchro Monster
and then call Gottoms emergency.
I think the card is a small case irrelevant here.
I do not know what else to put in.
In addition, it looks good.

Yubel said...

could be a decklist please contact me for a brother

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